60th Birthday Poem

Happpy 60th Birthday Mum

John and Minnie Wilson were as proud as they could be
When little Linda did arrive - the eldest of their three
She had her fathers features, very strong and bold
"Aye but you've got Latin blood" she was often told.

With ribbons in her curls, little Linda grew
She could sing Adestividaelas by the time that she was 2
A clever little cookie, she had mischieve in her soul
As she sat at the open window and through out lumps of coal.

As she grew to adulthood her beauty was just stunning
With her almond eyes and long dark hair she had the boys all running
She never got too "spirited" - her mother had no fear
"Naebody marries soiled good" she'd often let her hear.

She met and married Robert, which some found quite bemusing
He thought he was hip and cool, and certainly amusing
By now she was a model, about to hit her peak
But she traded it all for love, and to iron 20 shirts a week.

Bold and courageous, she didn't feel the pain
When her first born child arrived, little Sarah Jane
And though the summer, as she walked her baby in the park
On 35 years of friendships, Linda did embark.

Kind and considerate, she was a loving Mother
And listend to her childs request for a sister or a brother
Soon out popped little Lesley from her mothers tum
And sparked a 30 year debate of "Who's your favorite, Mum?"

As her daughters grew she taught them to believe
That anything was possible, any goal they could achieve
She passed on words of wisdom - the ways of right and wrong
She gave them wings, let them fly and write their own life song.

As the years moved forward, she became a Nan
A rain mac and a purple perm where not in Lindas plan
In her role of Grandmother she truly does inspire
And is looking forward to more babysitting when she does retire.

With lipstick and her high heels she's still full of glamour
Her easygoing outlook always does enamour
She's admired by many for her strengh and her cleaver mind
As a mother, sister and a friend she's a real one of a kind.

So Happy Birthday Mum, as you turn sixty today
Your truly loved and cherished in every single way
In the song of life, your best verse is still to be sung
And in the words of Dylan "May you stay Forever Young"