Funeral 1


With Rose, Mamie, Danny, Alec and Mags the family was nearly complete
Then Margaret and Aidie once again heard the patter of more tiny feet
In Lochend Nicky Smith was born, on the 9th of November
And we all gather here today to give thanks and remember.

He meant something to each of us, a Husband and a Brother
A Dad, an Uncle and Granddad not like any other
A Cousin and a friend to many, we all feel great sorrow
That we must go on without him, and can’t share with him tomorrow.

As a youngster his father nicknamed him little Nick the Greek
And in the Woodlands of Niddrie adventure he would seek
He met his best Buddie Stewart, and as kids they would play
Keeping shotty for the bookies, and smoking every day!

A keen eye for the horses, he saw a good earner in his fun
His dad would give him a slip and cash and down the bookies he would run
He wouldn’t put the bet on and a gamble wee Nick would take
The horse would come in second and he’d pocket all the stake!

He cut a handsome figure as a Rocker at the Dancing
It wasn’t long till someone caught his eye, and soon they were romancing
They loved to jive together and at 15 he was Alison’s man
The only setback was her father Louie was a rather keen Hearts fan!

As a teenaged groom they married at a Church down in Greenside
He glowed with happiness and love at Caroline, his bride
A dashing lad in his suit and bryl cream in his barnet
He looked like Casanova but his chat was more Alf Garnet!

As newlyweds they set up home at 13 Jamieson Place
A large central flat in Leith, with lots of living space
They work hard, and did it up, which did make Caroline smile
Nicky had a grin himself with 30 pubs within a mile!

When their first child arrived it was a time of great joy
So proud, he went to register his brand new baby boy
But he got carried away with himself wetting his new sons head
He forgot they’d named him Gary, so he chose Billy instead!

Working as a printer came an opportunity quite unique
So off to sunny Saudi a new life Nick would seek
A slight setback came in the form of an alcoholic ban
But many a beer making kit was smuggled in, in a huge big Campbell Soup can!

With the local drink of Sid flowing there are too many tales
He teamed up with his new found mates, his buddies from down in Wales
Alison soon joined him, and it was a fantastic life
But it was a miracle he wasn’t flogged for all his drinking strife!

On returning home from Saudi he left his beloved Leith
The move up to Moredun initially caused a lot of grief
He continued to work in Leith and the new house was just fine
As getting home he past 10 more pubs and his teatime became 9!

He soon discovered the Social Club and life was looking merry
He teamed up with Rab, Mick and John, and not forgetting Gerry
The banter was fantastic, and on pickled mussels he would dine
And I heard they dealed in Viagra as a wee side line!

With 2 sons and a Grandson, Nicky had a surprise in store
Along came a Granddaughter, followed by 3 more
He goo goo goooed adoringly and showed his softer side
They all thought he was wonderful, and this filled him with great pride.

His love of music served him well; he enjoyed each and every kind
But when you think of Nicky Smith, Country Music comes to mind
His love of Johnny Cash was renowned and both Bill and Paul said “phew”
They knew they’d had a lucky escape as he might have named them Sue!

The whole world he has travelled, nowhere was to far
And there isn’t a town that he has graced that he’s not visited a bar
With a fag and pint in hand he was happy as could be
But his heart was here in Edinburgh for everyone to see.

As his illness slowly gripped him, he tried with all his might
To carry his burden quietly, and did he put up a fight
Right up until the very end, a smile he would crack
But he’d reached the point, that though he tried, there was no turning back

We can’t imagine life without him, how the void we’re going to fill
With our memories, and stories, and the wisdom of his strong will
And though our hearts are broken, to take him was Gods plan
He’ll be partying through those pearly gates were there’s nae frigging smoking ban!