Funeral 2


We come to say goodbye to Sandy, truely one of a kind
So many happy good time we all shared spring into mind
In his sloppy joes, shirt,tie and jersey he always looked swell
A dollop of brylcream through his hair-which of course he had to smell
5 towels he had at bathtime, and he would ask again and again
To all the girls he really liked "will you Marry me Hen"

He loved to have his cups of tea with biscuits and mars bars
But his favourite thing of all was shiney bright red cars
He'd wait with Davie for the bus and of to work he'd go
With 5 handies in his pocket,in case his nose he'd need to blow
And in his briefcase was a surprise if you ever had a look
What every briefcase needs of course, a supply of his car books.

He'd call Lorraine his Mammy but if they fell out she was Mammy no more
And it would be "too Windy Hen", if he didn't want to cross the door
Christmas would always bring us laughs and in the bin the chicken would go
The milk in the friged would be rearranged, it had to be just so
And a little trick he loved to do would fill him with delight
He loved to creep upon you and give you a great big fright.

When we loose someone who we held dear it makes us feel so low
It's hard to cope although we know it was there time to go
But Sandys left us memories that will always bring a smile
We'll think of him and keep him close so he's with us all the while
And although he's gone away from us, he never will be far
Looking down at us from Heaven at the wheel of his big red car!!

This poem was written for Sandy's funeral, a special needs man who lived at the care home my friend worked at.